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6 Benefits of Pella’s Between-the-Glass Blinds and Shades

woman looking outside through kitchen windows

Pella takes pride in being an innovator in the world of windows and doors. We’ve been doing it for decades.

2016 marks 50 years since Pella introduced a groundbreaking idea that’s made life easier and safer for families everywhere. We brought the first between-the-glass blinds to the industry in 1966 with Slimshade®, and we expanded into fabric shades as well as window grilles as the years went on.

Today, you can get between-the-glass blinds and shades in a style you love, and control them with smart-home technology. Keep reading to discover the ways this product makes your life better.

1. Dusting Your Blinds Less Often

woman cleaning window
The first one is obvious. Shades and blinds that are in between two panes of glass don’t need to be cleaned nearly as often.

You’ve probably noticed that blinds and shades are attractors of dust in your home. When you do clean them, it’s a major pain. If you let things get too dusty, it’s almost impossible to clean around the strings on each individual blind.

With blinds and shades protected between the glass, there is less exposure to dust, sticky hands, and pets than roomside blinds and shades.

Think about all the time you’ve spent dusting blinds and cleaning shades. It adds up. With behind-the-glass options, you’ll be giving time back to yourself.

Between-the-glass grilles make cleaning a little easier as well. That’s because instead of having sections of window to clean around, you have one smooth pane of glass to wipe down.

2. No Cords for Less Hassle and More Safety

The cords used to operate typical blinds and shades can be a significant safety hazard. Specifically, younger children may play with the cords which can be a safety concern.

With cordless between-the-glass shades and blinds, you don’t have to worry about that possibility. Instead of cords, these unique selections operate with convenient sliders on the side of the window frame.

Besides the safety hazard, cords on typical blinds can get tangled and tied up in knots. It can make your home look somewhat unkept. But the handy slider on Pella’s between-the-glass selections is barely noticeable.

3. Protected from Kids

Speaking of kids, having blinds and shades between the window panes keeps those mischievous little hands from pulling them down and destroying them.

Parents know how the story goes. Rambunctious kids will ruin just about anything they can reach. Replacing shades and blinds costs money. Investing in between-the-glass options helps keep your blinds and shades protected.

4. Ideal for Patio Doors

Between-the-glass blinds work for more than just windows. Your glass patio doors are the perfect place to have these installed.

Blinds that hang in front of a sliding patio door make it difficult to get in and out. You’ll find yourself constantly pushing them out of the way, and they get stuck in the door when you close it.

However, when they’re actually inside the glass, the blinds move right along with the door as it slides open and shut. So there’s no need to operate two things when you want to step outside.

5. It’s Easy to Change the Style

woman removing window

This is one of the nicest thing about Pella’s between-the-glass products. They are super-simple to install, so you can switch them out when you want something new.

Pella’s Between-the-Glass fashions for wood replacement windows can be changed by the homeowner thanks to our exclusive snap-in technology. We’ve developed a product that’s literally a snap to install and maintain. Learn more in this video.

You can do this with shades, blinds, and window grilles, all of them are interchangeable. So when you decide you’d like to switch from blinds to fabric shades, it’s not a big deal at all.

6. Available with Exclusive Insynctive™ Technology

It’s easy to see how convenient between-the-glass blinds and shades for windows and doors can be. Now why not take it one step further?

Smart homes are no longer the homes of the future, they are here now, and Pella is leading the way with Insynctive™

This exclusive technology combines security, comfort, and convenience to give you a home that works with ease. With motorized blinds, you can use a remote to open and close blinds with the push of a button. You can also use a smartphone app to control your window shades from anywhere (Provided it is connected to home automation system).

It’s clear that with between-the-glass options and automation with Insynctive™ from Pella, the future of your home looks pretty bright!

Interested in learning more? You can visit one of Pella Windows & Doors of Wisconsin’s four showrooms to learn more and see these products for yourself.